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About Sjabloon We have 2 sjabloon coupons for you to consider including 0 promo codes and 2 deals in September 2024. Grab a free Sjabloon promo code and save money. Flying start for makers. A Ruby on Rails template to focus on
your core product right from the start. Features Look at all the things you don't have to do: Ruby on Rails 5.2+ - Sjabloon is built for and tested with Rails 5.2 and up with PostgreSQL as the database of choice. Modern front end - Webpack, Tailwind and PostCss, along with Stimulus gives you all you need to build versatile, powerful UI's your users will enjoy. UI components - Sjabloon comes with various common UI components: input fields, buttons and navigation. The many utility classes from Tailwind ensures you can quickly create your own components with ease. Authentication - Devise, still the de facto standard, included. All installation's setup, correct routes and all the design for the views is done for you. Custom error pages - While you should strive for your users to never see these pages, having custom and professional looking error pages can makes all the difference. SMTP configured - Sending email through SMTP is the easiest to set up. Sjabloon comes with many services, like Mailgun, Postmark, SendGrid to choose from. Analytics included - Know which pages converts best and how your funnel looks is critical for your business. With one click of a button you have anything from Google Analytics, Clicky or Simple Analytics added to your pages. Error logging - No application is without bugs. It's better not to rely on your users to report them. Instead use one of the provided tools, like Bugsnag, Appsignal or Sentry. Email template design - An email design you don't have to be embarrased about and that's been battle-tested by the folks at Mailgun. User dashboard - Fully designed user dashboard. Built with components available in Sjabloon. GDPR - Get and track consent from your users when they sign up for your application. Recurring payments - It's not a business if people don't pay for it. That's why Sjabloon comes with Stripe integrated so you can accept recurring payment from the first deploy. Email drip campaign - Email is still the most powerful marketing channel available. From a welcome email to a drip campaign to help engagement with your new and existing users.
100% focus on your core product. Ever been really excited about a new product or just a small idea? Only to be slowed down by all the tedious configuration, setup you have to do for a new vanilla Rails app? And with every passing moment you loose that spark? With many years experience in creating successful web apps, I know the importance of shipping fast. With Sjabloon you have beautiful and versatile components, settings and customisation right from the start. No tedious copy-pasting or wasting precious time. Using modern front end tools like Webpack, PostCss and Tailwind you know you will create a beautiful product fast and easy. Rails template for SaaS developers. Ruby on Rails is an amazing framework that brought many amazing products to life. But being a one-size-fits-all has annoying implication for us product makers. The many years of development has proven Rails to be a solid choice still for any kind of web product. It comes with great features out of the box, but at same time it's lacking in some features you see in almost all SaaS applications. From authentication and transactional email designs, to common UI components and payments set up and ready to go. Using Sjabloon you will save up to days of work. Making sure you keep momentum to ship your product fast.
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