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About Upserve We have 2 upserve coupons for you to consider including 0 promo codes and 2 deals in September 2024. Grab a free Upserve promo code and save money. Partner Program - Grow Your Business with Restaurants | Upserve. Become a partner with Upserve and grow your business with our world-class partner program training, sales & marketing support. Program Overview - The Upserve Partner Program embraces change in the payments industry to offer enhanced value to merchants’ business. Today’s customers want secure payments and a full-featured restaurant POS. They deserve data analytics that will drive their business forward. With the Upserve solution, you can expand your portfolio while meeting the evolving needs of restaurateurs. Boost your competitive advantage and increase your profitability. With partner-focused monthly webinars, product-driven marketing collateral, and strategic business plan reviews – partners are enabled to succeed in the industry. Why Partner - Our partners profit from an increased average deal size and a lower churn rate in their portfolio. With a dedicated sales rep, certified training curriculum, and lucrative sales programs, our partners succeed. What’s Expected - We are looking for payment and technology professionals who serve the restaurant industry and are eager to sell the leading restaurant management platform for restaurateurs. Every day, 14 million Americans show up to work at a restaurant. That’s 10% of the U.S. workforce. Almost all restaurants have fewer than 50 employees, and most are independent, not part of a giant chain. The restaurateurs leading these businesses run on tight margins. They don’t have a big capital budget. They aren’t software gurus. And most of all, they don’t have much time to get a handle on everything – guests, staff, menu, marketing and finance – making it harder than it has to be to take their restaurant to the next level. That’s why we created Upserve Restaurant POS and Management Software serving up clear guidance that makes your restaurant thrive. The magic ingredient. Offering pointed and timely guidance, Upserve makes it easier to manage guests, staff, marketing, finances, and even the menu. If you want to save even more you can do so with upserve.com promo codes and coupons.
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