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About Bitsolid.io
We have 1 bitsolid.io coupons for you to consider including 0 promo codes and 1 deals in September 2024. Grab a free Bitsolid.io promo code and save money. Bitsolid.io | Real Bitcoin Investment Fund. BitSolid bitcoin investment fund offers investors an opportunity to get exceptional returns by actively investing through algorithmic trading in cryptocurrencies based on technical analysis and artificial intelligence. Bitsolid is a cryptocurrency-focused quantitative trading hedge fund that actively invest through algorithmic based trading aided by artificial intelligence within the cryptocurrency market. BitSolid Capital manages a hedge fund committed to exceptional returns for investors through an actively managed portfolio and algorithmic trading. Trading is based on our own trading platform which utilizes statistical models based on artificial intelligence to achieve attractive and stable returns in the cryptocurrency markets. The trading system has more than 4 years of research and development behind it, and after more than 3 years of positive trading results we decided to open it up for outside capital, in form of a public cryptocurrency investment fund. Trading strategy currently combines 18 algorithms. BitSolid's robots are integrated into the largest cryptocurrency trading platforms, such as GDAX, Poloniex, Bitmex, Bittrex and similar. We also trade on OTC exchanges. In milliseconds, the robots makes trades between exchanges. By providing liquidity and matching orders, we are increasing market efficiency and connecting crypto markets, while earning a fraction on every transaction. The goal is to deliver the highest possible absolute return to the lowest possible risk regardless of market trends. Future Proof - The model is fully developed and has been active since 2013. Further research and development of the algorithms still take place to ensure the future performance in a changing world. Artificial Intelligence - AI technology is being used to find the speediest way to execute trades, to make bets on market momentum, and to scan press releases, news reports, financial reports and social networks for keywords that could signal that a cryptocurrency will rise or fall. The system then seeks out patterns, making connections among the data that humans cant see. AI makes educated predictions based on what happened in the past, trading when the odds are in its favor. We have several such systems at work. If you want to save even more you can do so with bitsolid.io promo codes and coupons.
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